zaterdag 19 januari 2013

my facebook page 1000 likers

hi ,

Because of the exams I didn't have a lot of time to blog about my collection and jewels that I made. Monday evening I'm gonna show you some new creations and I'm thinking about a new DIY.

what do you think would be a good DIY?
you can sent me your suggestions or ideas.

If you wanna see all my creations you have to visit my FB-page
If you think my creations a cute and you like them , please like my page on facebook. You would make me really happy.

As you can see there where a few new likers on my page. On 13/01/2013 I had 854 likers and now 6 days later , are there already 904 likers. That's makes me really proud. I'm really want the 1000 likers because that's would look really good. It's like a magic number

Love & kisses

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