After a long time I'm back on blog mode. The last few months where very long and busy. I had no time for this blog. Today I'm back with a lot of new things. From now on I keep posting a lot of cute stuff and cute new creations. My page is growing very well. Today I have already 1.431 likers. I love there support. So I would ask everybody to surf to and like my page. You would make me really happy.
But now back to business. My exams are finished and now I have a lot of time to think about new creations. This summer is the summer of neon colors. I love them so much. My favorites are neon pink and yellow. I bought a few neon peals online for my new collection. They are like really flashy but so lovely. Here you have some photo's of my peals and the new neon bracelet's I made for the new collection.
I also bought a few new shamballa beads. I think everybody know them. They are like little beads with rhinestones. This are small bling bling stones. I bought them in a lot of colors like blue , pink , yellow and white. I really love glittering peals. In the same shop I found a few connectors to made neon bracelets. I really wanna share them with you so here you have a picture of all my glittering stuff
love &kisses